Is Variety Really the Spice of Life? I am going to try answering this question, and more, by committing myself to having, (at least), one brand new experience a day for the next year! Through this experiment, I will be looking to see the ways that 365 days of novel experiences might change me and affect my life. This blog will tell the story of each of these experiences and will also document my observations, ponderings and thoughts. I invite you to join me in the discussion and the novelty!

Day... (Lord only knows!): I'm Back!

Hello, Dear Readers!  You might remember me?  I'm the woman who used to write a daily blog about novel experiences?  Well, I'm back and ready to get back in the game.

You may have wondered what happened to me? Did my computer spontaneously combust?  Did my tequila shot experience lead me down the path of raging alcoholism?   Did I fall off the novelty band wagon? Did the novelty of this experiment wear off?  The answer to all of these questions is a resounding "No!"  I'm very happy to report that the Novel Experience Experiment is alive and well, despite the lack of blog postings.  What did, in fact, happen since my last posting was that I became buried by the depth and breadth of my novel experiences. 

As a result, Dear Readers, I've learned some important novelty-related lessons.  First and foremost, too much novelty can be ungrounding.  Since my last blog post, I have faced the following changes/novel experiences:

1.  Ended my maternity leave and returned to my private psychotherapy practice
2.  Started a new business with two colleagues
3.  Put my home on the market
4.  Searched, and searched, and searched for a new home
5.  Had a cancer scare
6.  Watched my daughter develop new skills at break-neck speed

Each of these situations has provided me with a plethora of novel experiences.  Each of these situations has also had the potential of transforming the very fabric of my day to day existence, which, at times, has put me on Novel Experience Overload.  While I have had some very fun novel experiences since my last posting, a good number of these experiences have been stressful.

Add in the fact that my daughter finally, (FINALLY!!!), started falling asleep around the same time as my son, my late night blogging was replaced with luxurious and much needed hours of sleep.  And, as I became more and more overwhelmed by the novelty in my life, I had less and less motivation to spend my free time writing about it, and increasing amounts of motivation to SLEEP.

When Season 1 of Glee was added to Netflix's streaming offerings, I was pushed completely over the edge.  The sweet escapism was too much for me to resist!  Forty-four episodes of Glee later, (and a novel experience with a roku player and Hulu Plus), and I'm finally back.  Realistically, writing a blog posting a day just isn't going to happen.  My little life is now far too hectic for that kind of pace!  However, I have missed my blog and I want to reconnect.  So I think I can commit to one blog posting a week.  My new-found Arrested Development addiction will have to take a back seat.

So, hello again!  And I'll talk with you again real soon!  Promise!