Is Variety Really the Spice of Life? I am going to try answering this question, and more, by committing myself to having, (at least), one brand new experience a day for the next year! Through this experiment, I will be looking to see the ways that 365 days of novel experiences might change me and affect my life. This blog will tell the story of each of these experiences and will also document my observations, ponderings and thoughts. I invite you to join me in the discussion and the novelty!

Day Six: Facing my Commitment Issues

Come to find out, I love blogging!  It allows me to gather mementos from my day, archive my experiences and organize my thoughts about all the happenings I might have had.  I also find that I go through my day feeling a bit like a witness or observer of my own life.  In therapy we try to teach our clients how to access this state of mind, as it allows for a greater level of mindfulness and subsequently control over one's own behaviors.  I don't know if I've attained greater self-control, but my life seems somehow more coherent when I see my day as part of an ongoing story to be told.  So, I guess what I'm getting at is I think I might continue with this project despite the anxieties I've continued to harbor. 

Here, again, is the key difference between the thrill seeker and the novelty seeker:  I am not a huge risk taker.  While I operate well under pressure, and people can be amazed by my calm exterior in crisis situations, I tend to avoid things that make me anxious.  These things include heights, dentists, snakes, judgment and criticism.  Sharing what I'm doing on Facebook makes sense as a first step, however do I really want to open myself up to the judgment of not only my closest friends and family, but also to that kid I sat next to in third grade, my mechanic, my high school "frenemy" who used to, as my teenage clients would put it, "run her mouth" about me behind my back, and several ex-boyfriends...  Yikes!

That being said, I'm enjoying myself...  A lot!  And I don't want to let my aversion to the risk of being judged stop me from doing something that I love.  So I guess I've committed myself to this project and this blog for the next 359 days of my life.  Let the adventure begin!

As I've decided that I'm going to complete this experiment, today's novel experience was to obtain a copyright for my blog.  I'm not sure it's entirely necessary, but did you catch that part about me not being a risk taker?  I've heard too many stories of people's writing being stolen online and sometimes used in ways that they did not approve of.  Better safe than sorry!

There are several different ways to copyright material, and supposedly anything you write is immediately protected by copyright.  Even so, I have obtained or begun to pursue the three protections that I learned of.  I won't bore you with the details, but I will post the links I found to be most useful in the Nerd's Corner for those who might be interested in learning more about how to do this. 

So here is one type of copyright that I obtained today:

Creative Commons License

Isn't she beautiful?! 

Ironically enough, while I was writing the first draft of this post I received an email from a friend of mine who teaches a college course on Positive Psychology asking if she could use my blog with her students!  Very flattering and exciting!  However, there's really no turning back now!

© 2011 Christy A. Cole-Burrows  All Rights Reserved.

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