Is Variety Really the Spice of Life? I am going to try answering this question, and more, by committing myself to having, (at least), one brand new experience a day for the next year! Through this experiment, I will be looking to see the ways that 365 days of novel experiences might change me and affect my life. This blog will tell the story of each of these experiences and will also document my observations, ponderings and thoughts. I invite you to join me in the discussion and the novelty!

Day Fourteen: Willie Nelson's Texas Honky Tonk

One of the best parts of this project is when novel experiences pop up and I don't even have to try!  Today's novel experience was just that.  However, first some background....

I am a lover of music.  In fact, in a past life I came "this close" to being a music major in college.  The pull to become a psychotherapist ended up being stronger, and I have no regrets about the path that I have chosen, but for me to be happy I need to have good music in my life.  Thus, I have had a satellite radio subscription for many years now and it is the one indulgence I really won't do without.  To put this in perspective, we cancelled our cable television several years ago, but my satellite radio subscription is here to stay!

I am also a lover of dogs.  One dog, in particular has captured my heart and his name is Duncan.  Duncan came to us after my husband suggested that we go to the local animal "for fun" and to "kill time" before arriving at a family function.  And there he was!  I immediately fell in love and was heartbroken when another family was taking him for a walk just when we had to leave.  I was certain that they had snatched him up!  But a quick phone call to the shelter from the party let us know that miraculously he wasn't available for adoption until the following morning.  And I instantly knew that he was meant to be ours!  My husband, however, wasn't as certain...

This was Duncan's puppy photo from the shelter website.  Honestly, have you ever seen anything cuter?!  Neither had I!  And thankfully, neither had my husband.  That night, after forcing him to look into those soulful brown eyes he ultimately agreed to camp out at the shelter's doorstep a few hours before they opened to ensure a successful adoption experience.    And thank goodness we did, as our little Duncan Dog proved to be a very popular guy!

Now Duncan is a fantastic dog and was an adorable puppy but he had one fatal flaw:  He liked to chew...  A lot...  And he had a particular penchance for electronics.  So many a remote control and cell phone fell victim to his sharp little puppy teeth.  So this, dear reader is the part of the story where dog:

 meets satellite radio...
XM XDNX1V1 Onyx Dock-and-Play Radio with Car Kit (Black)
One day, my husband and I went for a quick, (ten minute), walk on a muddy path and decided to leave the puppy in the car.  Clearly, Duncan was having nothing to do with being left behind as upon our return we discovered that he had pulled my satellite radio off of the windshield and had chewed it to pieces in the back seat.  From that day forward, Duncan has gone for his beloved rides in doggy jail.

Highland 20045 Black Universal Pet Barrier

So my really nice satellite radio needed to be replaced.  And, as luck would have it, Sirius was having a  free radio deal that very month.  So I signed myself up, went through satellite radio withdrawals for a few anxious days, and finally installed my replacement.  Unfortunately, the FM transmitter on the new radio was much less powerful than its radio predecessor;  and just about everyone else's radio on the road.  Therefore, on a semi-regular basis I can be travelling along peacefully listening to "The Coffeehouse" and will suddenly be inundated with "Octane."  It's quite amusing, really!

So today, while driving Gracie to her 8-week checkup on the turnpike, my radio was overpowered by a nearby vehicle.  This isn't so unusual, however this was no fleeting interference:  I remained tuned to their channel for the majority of my twenty minute drive.  And their channel was Willie Nelson's Texas Honky Tonk!  Was the music coming from the Porsche?  The U Haul?  The tractor trailer truck?  I'm still not sure!  All I know is that not only was this a channel I didn't know existed but it was also a genre of music that I'd never heard before!  Oh, the novelty!  So, dear Duncan Doggy, thanks once again for enriching my life in so, so many unexpected ways!  You're the best!

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