Is Variety Really the Spice of Life? I am going to try answering this question, and more, by committing myself to having, (at least), one brand new experience a day for the next year! Through this experiment, I will be looking to see the ways that 365 days of novel experiences might change me and affect my life. This blog will tell the story of each of these experiences and will also document my observations, ponderings and thoughts. I invite you to join me in the discussion and the novelty!

Day Twenty-Nine: Stumbling Through the Night...

Thanks to the events of the past few days, I have discovered that there is a good reason interrogators use sleep deprivation as a form of torture!  Now, you may remember from earlier posts that I am no stranger to poor  or interrupted nights of sleep.  However, staying up most of the night to monitor my poor, sick, two month-old daughter for the past several days, while alternately soothing my poor, sick son when he wakes up stuffy, unable to breathe, and crying for his "mum-mum" has led me to an all time low!  It's amazing to me that I am still standing, though even that I am not doing particularly well and have the bruises to prove it!

Birthday Boy Party Hat

So, it is in this zombie-like, sleep deprived state, that I have kicked off the birthday celebrations of my now two year-old son!  Two years ago today, at 4:03 a.m., my son was born and I became a mother.  Given the time he decided to arrive in this world, I should have known that I was permanently kissing a good night's sleep goodbye!  However, despite my sleep deprivation, it is clear to me that this is an auspicious occasion that deserves as much enthusiasm as I can muster.  So I sang "Happy Birthday" about a thousand times on request, greeted my extended family for an impromptu dinner out, and helped my son practice saying "I'm two, off the wall!" (a phrase he came up with all by himself!  And, really, truer words have never been spoken!)

All this forced energy came with a price that I am paying for now!  For the second night in a row, finding a novel experience has felt more like a chore than an inspired, fun activity.  All I want to do, (other than sleep), is throw on comfy yoga pants and hang out with my good friends, Ben and Jerry!  This scenario is lovely, familiar and comfortable...  but not novel in the least!  I guess the lesson here is that I become a comfort seeker in times of stress, and my desire to seek novelty vanishes!

Ben & Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream & Dessert Book

But novelty seek I must!  So, the same criteria as last night applied:  no movement, no thought, no stress!  While aimlessly surfing the web, I stumbled upon StumbleUpon!  For those of you who are not familiar with this website, StumbleUpon matches your interests with sites on the web that you might enjoy.  As you "stumble," or look at their suggested websites, you can give each one a thumbs up or a thumbs down and the program refines its suggestions from your feedback.  You can also "discover" new websites others might be interested in and network with like-minded people to see their suggestions.  Honestly, despite my exhaustion, I found this service to be really cool!  In fact, I just might have stayed up a little bit later than I had to because I was so sucked in!  Given my level of exhaustion, that is saying a lot!

So, if you have never tried stumbling, I would recommend checking it out!    I have added the StumbleUpon widget to the sidebar of this blog.  (It's the one with the little blue "SU"!)   Not only will this allow you to try "stumbling," but you could maybe, just maybe recommend my blog, too!  (I'm going to blame this absolutely shameless hucksterism on my severe level of sleep deprivation!)  

In conclusion, despite my resistance, I once again benefited from doing something novel.  And the key was to tailor the novel experience so that it was within limits that I could tolerate and benefit from.  If I had decided to jump out of an airplane tonight, or take on any sort of frustrating task, I think the results would have been very different.  However, the good news is that novel experiences come in all shapes and sizes, and with a little creative thinking I can find one that is just right, no matter the circumstances.  I challenge you, dear reader, to do the same!

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