Is Variety Really the Spice of Life? I am going to try answering this question, and more, by committing myself to having, (at least), one brand new experience a day for the next year! Through this experiment, I will be looking to see the ways that 365 days of novel experiences might change me and affect my life. This blog will tell the story of each of these experiences and will also document my observations, ponderings and thoughts. I invite you to join me in the discussion and the novelty!

Day Nine: Tea Bath

Well, I've learned a few things along the way with this project.  In addition to learning about my new experiences and about the impact of novelty on my life, I've also learned that I am tired...  And achy.  The yoga nidra practice gave me enough time and space to tune into my poor body for it to become abundantly clear that I am a hurting puppy.  I don't know if this is due to birth, or the residual effects of carrying around an extra 30-40 lbs during the last few months of pregnancy, or carrying a 30+ pound toddler up and down stairs, or sleep deprivation, or stress, but whatever the reason my body is tired and sore.  

So, with my son tucked safely away at my sister-in-law's daycare and my daughter sleeping peacefully, I decided to try to find a novel experience that would help me to address this issue.  You see, I'm a huge believer in responding to feedback.  Whether that is the feedback of a person, an experience, or my body, my belief is that many of our difficulties arise from ignoring information that is right in front of us if we choose to give it credence.  So as soon as I became aware of the SOS messages from my body, it became a priority for me to do something about it.  (Just not quite as high of a priority as almost everything else in my life!)  

Truth be told, I had hoped to find a way to justify having some sort of novel massage therapy technique...  and I may still do so.  However, today a less glamorous opportunity presented itself when my daughter slept peacefully through my entire three minute shower and I realized that I might actually get away with taking a bath!  

The more challenging question was how I could make this novel...  With a quick search of the bathroom cabinet, I found my answer.  There, unopened, was a box of herbal bath bags that had been gifted to me following a loved one's trip to Taos, New Mexico.  I'd soaked in many baths in my time, but never in a tea bath!  And the box promised to turn me into the "Goddess of the Bath!"  

So, knowing that my time was limited I quickly turned the water to hot and dropped in a tea bag hoping to give my body some well needed relief.  Ahhhh, sweet sanctuary!

My Sanctuary
OK.  Well maybe not...  My bathtub is shared with a toddler.  So honestly, it more closely resembles a shrine to Elmo than a relaxing refuge from the stressors of life.  But I can overlook that.  The fact that my bathwater more closely resembled urine than tea was a bit more challenging for me to ignore, however this was my chance and I wasn't going to miss it.  

So I lowered my exhausted self into the tub and made a distressing discovery...  For some, still unknown reason, the water was only lukewarm.  And if you've ever tried to brew a cup of tea with lukewarm water you know that this is ineffective at best.  Still, the bath did give off a pleasant, eucalyptus scent that I'm sure will be wonderful for clearing congestion the next time I have a cold.  And I loved the (very) few moments of quiet that my daughter's slumber allowed me to have.  So, perhaps this wasn't quite the novel experience I had hoped to have, but at this time in my life I appreciate any opportunity for mindful relaxation that I can get!


  1. Hi Christy,

    Your write absolutely beautifully and it's so easy to read and full of information. Wonderful. I won't be surprised if something awesome happens at the end of this project. I'm already seeing the future.

    Love you.

  2. I love this concept, good luck with it, I shall be back soon to read more. Chris

  3. Thanks, you two! I'm having fun with this!
