Is Variety Really the Spice of Life? I am going to try answering this question, and more, by committing myself to having, (at least), one brand new experience a day for the next year! Through this experiment, I will be looking to see the ways that 365 days of novel experiences might change me and affect my life. This blog will tell the story of each of these experiences and will also document my observations, ponderings and thoughts. I invite you to join me in the discussion and the novelty!

Day Forty-Two: Practicing What I Preach!

What I Ate (Teal) Mini Journal

So yesterday's novel experience, combined with my public display of hypocracy, has led me to make an important decision, Dear Reader...  Today I decided to practice what I preach.  It is true that I really do believe in the importance of a healthy diet to overall well being.  I also clearly know HOW people can motivate themselves to make positive dietary changes.  Yet, somewhere along the line I have lost my way.  There are a lot of factors that have taken me away from my previous life of daily yoga, minimal refined sugars, and maximum ingestion of healthy foods...  Possibly being pregnant twice in the past three years has something to do with it?  Regardless, though, I am clearly back on the sugar train and it's time to get off.

Domino Premium Pure Cane Sugar 5Lb Bag

Now, let me be very clear about one thing.  I am not a believer in total deprivation or obsessing about what one eats in MOST situations.  I believe that Ben and Jerry can play a legitimate role in most people's lives.  However, the question one needs to ask oneself is what role they have been playing?  Are Ben and Jerry your acquaintance or have they become your roommate?  In my situation, it appears that they have just started leaving a toothbrush in my bathroom in preparation for Full Roommate Status.  

Biography - Ben & Jerry's

So, while considering how I could serve Ben and Jerry an eviction notice while simultaneously having a novel experience I made a shocking discovery...  While I am often coaching my clients with food issues to keep a food diary I have never actually done so myself.  

Now, the concept of the food diary is not so much to try to make changes as much as it is to document and analyze your current behavior.  At least, that is what we therapists tell people.  However, the reality is that the moment anyone starts measuring and documenting ANY behavior there is a natural tendency to make changes whether the goal is stated or not.  The idea of writing down the BAD behavior is never very appealing...  particularly if the information is going to be shared!

So, after downloading an appropriate app for my phone I set off to document my eating habits.  And, true to form, I ended up ingesting nothing but healthy foods all day.  Which kicked in the sugar withdrawals and cravings, BIG TIME.  Which informed me that I was WAY more addicted to sugar than I had realized.  

Now I have detoxed from sugar on more than one occasion, so I know the tricks to survive (small amounts of maple syrup), and I know what to expect, (a few days of intense sugar cravings masked as hunger and intensely low energy).  But let me tell you, Dear Reader, if you are considering cutting out sugar, refined carbohydrates, (which the body turns into sugar), and alcohol, (ditto), it can be challenging, but it is fleeting.  Stick with it and you will have more energy than you know what to do with!  When I've been completely off sugar my allergies clear up, my skin clears up, and I have an even amount of energy all day.  It's a pretty incredible feeling!

So, Ben and Jerry, it looks like this is farewell (for now).  It's not you...  it's me!  I still love you but I'm not IN love with you.  But I hope that we can still be friends...

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